ISA Group Leader


ISA is a Japanese educational and cultural exchange company that offers a variety of programs. As a group leader for the Empowerment Program, I assisted a facilitator and lead groups of Japanese high school students in intensive programs designed to improve their English speaking, presentation, and discussion skills. Topics included the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, positive thinking, technology, personal identity, diversity, and critical thinking. This position allowed me to travel to many places in Japan.

Left: With my team after finishing a successful program at a school in Kyoto. Right: My team practicing for a presentation at a school in Osaka.
Left: At a school in Osaka after a successful program. Middle: At a school in Shizuoka. Right: At a school in Saitama, Tokyo.
With the entire class and fellow group leaders after a successful program in Shirahama, Wakayama.
Group leaders and students having fun during a break at a program in Hiroshima.